The latest Ordinance (№ РД-01-626 / 27.10.2020) of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Bulgaria has introduced new temporary anti-epidemic measures as of 29.10 until 12.11.2020. According to the Ordinance, the following school activities are suspended within the above-mentioned term: the attendant classes for the students from the high school stage of education; the attendant learning process in higher education institutions; group extracurricular activities and activities in a face-to-face environment, as well as face-to-face classes in language centers, educational centers, study centers, and others, organized by legal entities and individuals.
Some of the measures also provide – congress-conference events, seminars, exhibitions and other public events in attendance is allowed with the participation of no more than 30 people, subject to a distance of 1.5 m and mandatory wearing of protective face masks. Cultural and entertainment events (theaters, cinemas, stage events, concerts, classes in dance, creative and musical arts) can be organized and held when the seats are occupied up to 30% of their total indoor capacity, subject to a physical distance of 1.5 m and mandatory placement of protective face masks. All collective and individual sports events with training and competitive nature for all age groups indoors and outdoors are held without an audience.
Visits to discos, piano bar, night bar, nightclubs and other similar places for indoor entertainment are suspended. All catering and entertainment establishments (restaurants, fast food establishments, drinking establishments, coffee shops and bars, with the exception of those under the previous sentence) provide a physical distance of 1.5 m between the backs of the nearest chairs of two adjacent tables, not allowing more than 6 people at one table.
A number of other anti-epidemic measures are also envisaged, such as, but not limited to – excursions and group visits to tourist sites are not organized; the carrying out of planned admission and planned operative activity in the medical institution for hospital medical care is suspended where are applicable certain criteria for morbidity – number of coronavirus infected per 100 000 people; etc.
All natural and legal persons who own or manage public facilities, commercial, administrative or other sites that provide services to citizens create an organization to control the number of customers in the site, not allowing more than 1 person per 3 square meters.
The implementation of the above-mentioned anti-epidemic measures, as well as all other measures envisaged in the fight against Covid-19 is assigned to the central and territorial authorities, according to their functional competence.